Tokyo Style Ramen Noodles

Been reading Michael Booth's Sushi and Beyond, and as well as making me almost jump on a plane to Japan today - I also decide to brush off my Japanese cook books. Having spent the week in Paris working (tough life eh - see for all the gory details), we decided it would be reasonably 'lite'. Noodle soup it was then. Since we were in town shopping for baby stuff (!) - I managed to get a quick trip to the Japan Centre on Picadilly.

Bought some 'proper' Ramen Noodles and a Random Seaweed. I know they were 'proper' because I couldn't read a thing on the label :o)

I have had Japanese Food and Cooking for a few years now. There are some great (non-sushi) recipes in there. After reading Michael Booths book - I think I'm going to dive deeper - wait and see....

Weird stuff this type of seaweed. Started off very small - but absorbed a hell of a lot of water during the soaking phase

Had ot make Cha-Sui Pork. Didn;t have any pork belly - so ended up bashing a couple of steaks and tying them in a roll. Worked well. Not so sure about the effort to cook the pork seperately - tasted like pork!

Sauce was nice though (not sure you were supposed to eat it...I did!)

Always nice to have a cheeky Sake whilst you are cooking

The finished Cha-Sui

And the finished Soup. Absolutely lovely....(if maybe a bit overpowered by the seaweed)
