Rather perversely I had a real desire to cook Coq Au Vin for some time now. Perverse in the fact I’m spending so much time in Paris and complaining about the boring food, & I am due to return next week after 2 weeks paternity.
However, never let that stand between a cook and his belly!
So, off I went to get some standard ingredients. I’m using a recipe from the Food Of France – great book – great series as I’ve said many times. Check out the links to the right.
The onions were from a new green grocers near us. Just an unassuming place near Stoke Newington Green – we have 100’s like it. However, this place is very different. The guys who run it (Turkish?) stuff the place full of the most fantastic fresh & varied vegetables and salad. It’s only been around for a few months – and is busy all the time. Check out the street map link.
Marinated the chicken in red wine, bay leaf and thyme. Used just thigh as my current fav chicken bit – and I think I will skin it next time
Some pancetta (ok- not particularly French)
Fried off the onions and mush
And the chicken. Should have done a couple of batches – didn’t crisp as much as I’d like
After 40 minutes bubbling
Really nice….sauce at just the right consistency. Made plenty for the freezer