Marinaded Tofu with Tomato and Ginger Sauce

I’ve got a bit fixated with Tofu recently. So much so that I had a lovely pressie waiting for me when I got home the other day…..Two new Tofu cookbooks. Thanks Lou xx

Having flicked through these I landed on this recipe. One of the main techniques for cooking Tofu is to ensure it picks up flavour from the other ingredients. This recipe relied on the Tofu (firm) being marinated, and then slowly baked in the oven. The marinade of soy, honey, and ginger gave the baked Tofu in the book a gorgeous light brown coating, with a crisp ‘crisp-like’ finish. Not sure what went on with mine – but as you can see, this wasn’t the most attractive dish I’ve ever cooked. I think it comes from the fact that the recipe called for ‘dark soya’. My dark soya comes from China town and is very very dark. As you will see – this has given the finished product a very burnt look – strangely they actually tasted fine. The pictures in the book show a much lighter marinade – no way you could achieve that with my soya.

This is the real deal. Tried to get some Tofu in Waitrose the other day. All they had was a sad dry looking organic block in the ‘veggie’ section. No wonder it has such a bad press.

To cook firm Tofu, it’s recommended to drain the excess liquid by resting it on a board….

…and placing a heavy weight on it…

The very dark marinated tofu – before baking.

Having fun. The excess marinade was reduced with fresh tomatoes. This made a great sauce, but again was so dark and not at all tomatoey.

In the shop in China town, the tofu was sitting next to some Enoiki mushrooms. It would be rude not to…

I felt the dish needed something more….so marinated some chicken in lime, rice wine, and some Sichuan pepper.

Potato croquettes. The recipe was a bit of mix – but very nice

Not too bad. If the tofu had looked less burnt then it would have been great. They tasted really good – and the tom sauce was fantastic.
